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1. What is a significant goal of the Chang'e 6 mission according to the article?
A. To deploy a crewed mission to the moon's far side.
B. To collect and return samples from the moon's far side.
C. To establish a research station on the moon's far side.
D. To study the possibility of landing onthe moon's far side.
2. The term "tidally locked" in the article means that the moon __?
A. is always facing the same direction towards the sun.
B.has one side that is constantly in darkness.
C. has varying speeds of rotation and orbit.
D. roughlyrotates at thesame rate that it orbits the Earth.
China's Chang'e 6 Probe Lands on Far Side of the Moon
From: Space.com
China has landed on the moon's mysterious far side — again.
The robotic Chang'e 6 mission touched down inside Apollo Crater, within the giant South Pole-Aitken basin, at 6:23 a.m. Beijing Time on Sunday (June 2) , according to Chinese space officials. The probe "successfully landed in the pre-selected area," China's space agency said.
The China National Space Administration (CNSA) now has two far-side landings under its belt — this one and Chang'e 4, which dropped a lander-rover combo onto the gray dirt in January 2019. No other country has done it once.
And Chang'e 6 will make further history for China, if all goes according to plan: The mission aims to scoop up samples and send them back to Earth, giving researchers their first-ever up-close looks at material from this part of the moon.
"The Chang'e-6 mission is the first human sampling and return mission from the far side of the moon," CNSA officials said in a statement. (To be clear: Chang'e 6 is a robotic, not crewed, mission.) "It involves many engineering innovations, high risks and great difficulty."
Chang'e 6 launched on May 3 with a bold and unprecedented task: haul home samples from the moon's far side, which always faces away from us. (The moon is tidally locked to Earth, completing one rotation on its axis in roughly the same amount of time it takes to orbit our planet. So observers here on Earth always see the same side of our natural satellite.)
Chang'e 6 arrived in lunar orbit about four days after liftoff. It spent the next few weeks scrutinizing its planned landing site and gearing up for today's big event, which went according to plan: Chang'e 6's lander came down softly in Apollo Crater, leaving the mission's orbiter, with its attached Earth-reentry module, circling the moon.
The lander will spend the next few days studying its surroundings and collecting about 4.4 pounds (2 kilograms) of lunar dirt and rock. Some of these samples will be scooped from the surface and some will be dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) underground, using Chang'e 6's onboard drill.
This material will then be launched into lunar orbit by a rocket that rode down with the lander. The sample container will rendezvous with the Chang'e 6 orbiter, then make the long trek back to Earth, eventually touching down here under parachutes on June 25.
Chang'e 6 is also carrying a tiny moon rover and has a variety of scientific experiments onboard the lander.
Scientists will study the returned material in detail, seeking insights about the moon's history and evolution and clues about why the lunar far side is so different than the near. The dark volcanic seas known as maria are common on the near side, for example, but are rare on the far side, for reasons that remain mysterious.
Researchers will doubtless compare the Chang'e 6 material to the samples collected on the moon's near side by Chang'e 5, which came down to Earth in December 2020. (Chang'e 5 and Chang'e 6 are sister missions, with virtually identical architectures.)
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China's Chang'e 6 Probe Lands on Far Side of the Moon
From: Space.com
China has landed on the moon'smysteriousfar side — again.
mysterious /mɪˈstɪə.ri.əs/ 示意“高明的事物,难以证据的事物,谜”,英文证据为“strange, not known, or not understood”举个🌰:He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it was murder. 他死得蹊跷,仍不摒除是谋杀的可能。
TheroboticChang'e 6 mission touched down inside Apollo Crater, within the giant South Pole-Aitkenbasin, at 6:23 a.m. Beijing Time on Sunday (June 2) , according to Chinese space officials. Theprobe"successfully landed in the pre-selected area," China's space agency said.
robotic /rəʊˈbɒt.ɪk/ 示意“机器东谈主的;机器东谈主似的”,英文证据为“relating to or like a robot”
basin /ˈbeɪ.sən/ 1)示意“流域”,英文证据为“the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake, or sea”
2)示意“盆地;洼地;海盆”,英文证据为“a place where the earth's surface is lower than in other areas of the world”
probe /prəʊb/ 作动词,示意“商榷;追问;探究”,英文证据为“to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions carefully and not directly”举个🌰:The interviewer probed deep into her private life. 采访者真切地打探她的私糊口。
在恏渏 亾類哋夲能文中提到了probe作名词有“探索;探查;查究;看望”的趣味,英文证据为“an attempt to discover information by asking a lot of questions”如:an FBI probe into corruption 联邦看望局对恶臭的看望;也不错指“(医师或科学家用的)探针”,英文证据为“a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to examine parts of the body”。
📍probe还不错证据为“探伤器”,英文证据为:a device that is put inside something to test or record information. 如:a space probe 航天探伤器/天际探伤器。
🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:That videotape will be placed in a space probe 录影带将放在天际探伤器中。
The China National Space Administration (CNSA) nowhastwo far-side landingsunder its belt— this one and Chang'e 4, which dropped a lander-rovercomboonto the graydirtin January 2019. No other country has done it once.
have sth under your belt
have something under your belt 示意“如故掌抓…;如故取得…”,英文证据为“to have learned or succeeded in something that might be an advantage in the future”举个🌰:Basic computer skills are a good thing to have under your belt. 掌抓基本的电脑使用妙技对你有平允。
combo /ˈkɒm.bəʊ/ 1)示意“(演奏舞曲和爵士乐的)袖珍乐队”,英文证据为“a small group of musicians who play dance and jazz music”
2)示意“羼杂物;大杂烩”,英文证据为“a combination of different things”举个🌰:That's a funny combo - pink and orange. 何等有趣味的组合——粉色和橘黄色。
dirt /dɜːt/ 示意“尘土,泥土,灰尘”,英文证据为“dust, soil, or any substance that makes a surface not clean”举个🌰:His coat was covered with dirt. 他的外衣上尽是泥土。
And Chang'e 6 will make further history for China, if all goes according to plan: The mission aims toscoopup samplesand send them back to Earth, giving researchers their first-ever up-close looks at material from this part of the moon.
scoop sth up
scoop sth up 示意“(飞快)捡起,拾起,抱起”,英文证据为“to lift something or someone with your hands or arms in a quick movement”举个🌰:She scooped the children up and ran with them to safety. 她一把把孩子们拽起来,带着他们奔向安全地带。
scoop /skuːp/ 1)示意“巨额取得(选票或奖项)”,英文证据为“to get a large number of votes or prizes”举个🌰:The party is expected to scoop up the majority of the working-class vote. 东谈主们猜度该党将赢得工东谈主阶层的大多数选票。
2)示意“(用勺)舀;(用铲)铲”,英文证据为“to move something with a scoop or with something used as a scoop”举个🌰:He scooped the sand into a bucket with his hands. 他用手把沙子捧进桶里。
3)示意“抢在…之前报谈”,英文证据为“to be the first newspaper to discover and print an important news story”举个🌰:Just as we were about to publish the story, we were scooped by a rival paper. 正直咱们计算发布这条音问时,被另一家报社抢先了一步。
4)示意“(敏捷地)抱住”,英文证据为“If you scoop a person or thing somewhere, you put your hands or arms under or around them and quickly move them there.”举个🌰:Michael knelt next to her and scooped her into his arms. 迈克尔跪在她摆布,一下子把她抱在怀里。
sample /ˈsɑːm.pəl/ 作名词,示意“(用于考察、分析的)样本,试样”,英文证据为“A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analysed scientifically.”举个🌰:They took samples of my blood. 他们采了我的血样。
作动词,1)示意“尝,品味”,英文证据为“to taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you like it”举个🌰:As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish. 这些食品看起来很诱东谈主,于是他决定每样菜齐尝少许儿。
2)示意“(常指初度)体验,尝试”,英文证据为“to experience a place or an activity, often for the first time”举个🌰:So you're going to sample the delights/pleasures of the new restaurant? 那么你要去体验一下在那家新餐馆就餐的乐趣了?
"The Chang'e-6 mission is the first human sampling and return mission from the far side of the moon," CNSA officials said in a statement. (To be clear: Chang'e 6 is a robotic, notcrewed, mission.) "It involves many engineering innovations, high risks and great difficulty."
crew /kruː/ 1)作名词,示意“合座船员;合座机务东谈主员”,英文证据为“The crew of a ship, an aircraft, or a spacecraft is the people who work on and operate it.”举个🌰:The mission for the crew of the space shuttle is essentially over. 航天飞机合座机务东谈主员的职责基本完成。
2)作名词,示意“一组管当事者谈主员”,英文证据为“A crew is a group of people with special technical skills who work together on a task or project.”如:a two-man film crew making a documentary 一个制作记录片的两东谈主摄制组。
3)作动词,示意“当船员;充任…的船员”,英文证据为“If you crew a boat, you work on it as part of the crew.”举个🌰:This neighbour crewed on a ferryboat. 这位邻居在一艘渡船受骗船员。
Chang'e 6 launched on May 3 with a bold andunprecedentedtask:haulhome samples from the moon's far side, which always faces away from us. (The moon istidallylocked to Earth, completing onerotationon itsaxisin roughly the same amount of time it takes to orbit our planet. So observers here on Earth always see the same side of our natural satellite.)
unprecedented /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ 示意“史无先例的,空前的;跻峰造极的”,英文证据为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. 环境在本世纪遭到了空前的温和。
词源和词根:"un-"是"不"的趣味,"precedented"来自拉丁语的"praecedere",意为"走在前边"。派生词:unprecedentedly,常用短语:unprecedented event 空前的事件。
🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于作念我方 齐莫得壮健到我方是那么的令东谈主心动。
haul /hɔːl/ 作动词,示意“(用劲)拉,拖(重物)”,英文证据为“to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty”举个🌰:They hauled the boat out of the water. 他们把船拉上了岸。
📍haul /hɔːl/ 动作名词时,它往往指的是在一段时辰内(往往是一天、一个周末或一个季度)收罗到的总量或总额。在电影行业中,haul常用于形容电影的票房收入总额。除了电影票房,haul一词还可用于其他界限。举例,不错用来形容某个运输公司在一段时辰内运输的货品总量,或者某个渔民在一次哺育中取得的总额量。总之,haul示意在一定时辰范围内麇集的总额或总量,往往用于形容数目、货品或资金的汇总。
1)haul不错示意“(一大齐)违警物品,赃物”,相对相比负面的,英文证据为“a large amount of illegal or stolen goods”如:a haul of weapons 大齐违警火器,a drugs haul 一大齐毒品,举个🌰:A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers. 一批被盗汽车被考查截获。
2)示意“很高的(得分)”(a large number of points, goals, etc.);His haul of 37 goals in a season is a record. 他在一个赛季中得了37分,创下了记录。
3)示意“旅行的距离;旅程”(the distance covered in a particular journey),举个🌰:They began the long slow haul to the summit. 他们踏上了攀高顶峰的漫长行程。
📍a long haul不错专指“耗时致力于的事”,英文证据为“something that takes a lot of time and effort”举个🌰:Revitalizing the economy will be a long haul. 呈报经济将是一项耐久深奥的职业。
tidally /ˈtaɪ.dəl.i/ 示意“(应用)潮汐地;受潮汐影响地”,英文证据为“in a way that relates to the tide (= the rise and fall of the sea)”如:tidally generated electricity 潮汐发电。
axis /ˈæk.sɪs/ 1)示意“轴(线);中心线”,英文证据为“a real or imaginary straight line going through the centre of an object that is spinning, or a line that divides a symmetrical shape into two equal halves”举个🌰:The earth revolves around the axis that joins the North and South Poles. 地球围绕连气儿南北南北极的地轴自转。
2)示意“参考轴线,基准线,坐标线”,英文证据为“a fixed line on a graph used to show the position of a point”
Chang'e 6 arrived in lunar orbit about four days after liftoff. It spent the next few weeksscrutinizingits planned landing site andgearing up fortoday's big event, which went according to plan: Chang'e 6's lander came down softly in Apollo Crater, leaving the mission's orbiter, with its attached Earth-reentrymodule, circling the moon.
Hongkongdoll leak嫦娥六号在辐射四天后参加月球轨谈。在接下来的几周里,它仔细分析计议中的着陆点,并为今天的要紧事件作念准备:嫦娥六号着陆器巩固地降落在阿波罗环形山上,只留住带着地球复返器的轨谈器在轨谈上绕月遨游。
scrutinize /ˈskruː.tɪ.naɪz/ 示意“仔明察看,审查”,英文证据为“If you scrutinize something, you examine it very carefully, often to find out some information from it or about it.”举个🌰:Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. 她的接头是仔明察看他的特征看他是不是个诚挚的东谈主。
gear up for sth
gear up to/for sth 示意“(使)为…作好准备”,英文证据为“to prepare yourself/sb/sth to do sth”举个🌰:Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week. 自行车组织正在为世界自行车周行动作准备。
module /ˈmɒdjuːl/ 示意“(航天器孤苦的)舱”,英文证据为“a part of a spacecraft that can operate independently of the other parts, especially when separate from them”。
The lander will spend the next few days studying its surroundings and collecting about 4.4 pounds (2 kilograms) of lunar dirt and rock. Some of these samples will be scooped from the surface and some will be dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) underground, using Chang'e 6's onboarddrill.
drill /drɪl/ 1)示意“钻;钻床;钻机”,英文证据为“a tool or machine that makes holes”如:an electric/pneumatic drill 电/风钻。
2)示意“(尤指军事)闇练,熟悉”,英文证据为“an activity that practises a particular skill and often involves repeating the same thing several times, especially a military exercise intended to train soldiers”如:a spelling/pronunciation drill 拼写/发音熟悉,举个🌰:In some of these schools, army-style drills are used to instil a sense of discipline. 这些学校中有一些应用军训来培养秩序不雅念。
This material will then be launched into lunar orbit by a rocket that rode down with the lander. The sample container willrendezvouswith the Chang'e 6 orbiter, then make the longtrekback to Earth, eventually touching down here underparachuteson June 25.
rendezvous /ˈrɒndɪvuː/ /ˈrɒn.deɪ.vuː/ 作动词,示意“(在商定的时辰和地点)会面,相会,靠拢”,英文证据为“to meet at a time and place that have been arranged in advance”
trek/trek/ 不错作动词,也不错作名词,示意“资料跋涉(尤指徒步旅行),梯山航海;深奥的行程”,英文证据为“to make a long and difficult journey, especially on foot”举个🌰:We did an eight-hour trek yesterday. 昨天咱们走了8个小时。The elevator was broken, so we had to trek up six flights of stairs. 电梯坏了,是以咱们惟有爬了六层楼梯。
parachute /ˈpærəˌʃuːt/ 示意“降落伞”,英文证据为“a piece of equipment made of a large piece of special cloth that is fastened to a person or thing that is dropped from an aircraft, in order to make him, her, or it fall slowly and safely to the ground”
📍parasite /ˈpærəˌsaɪt/ 示意“寄生植物;寄灵活物;寄生虫”,英文证据为“a plant or animal that lives on or in another plant or animal and gets food from it”
Chang'e 6 is also carrying a tiny moonroverand has a variety of scientific experiments onboard the lander.
rover /ˈrəʊ.vər/ 1)示意“流浪者,漫游者”,英文证据为“a person who spends their time travelling from place to place”举个🌰:Their uncle was a rover, never settling for long in any one place. 他们的叔叔居无定所,从不在职何一个方位停留太久。
2)示意“(用于其他行星的简略大地、无意可从地球遥控的)车,探伤器”,英文证据为“a small vehicle that can move over rough ground, often used on the surface of other planets, sometimes controlled from the earth”如:the lunar rover that transported astronauts and their equipment 运输宇航员过甚设立的月球车。
📍此外,咱们常据说的汽车品牌“路虎”的英文等于“Land Rover”。
Land Rover is a luxury car brand that specialises in four-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover, which has been owned by India's Tata Motors since 2008.(Wikipedia)路虎是英国的全地形车和畅通型多用途车品牌,从属于捷豹路虎,总部位于英国考文垂怀特利(Whitley)。
Scientists will study the returned material in detail, seeking insights about the moon's history andevolutionandcluesabout why the lunar far side is so different than the near. The dark volcanic seas known as maria are common on the near side, for example, but are rare on the far side, for reasons that remain mysterious.
evolution /ˌiː.vəˈluː.ʃən/ 示意“演化;进化”,英文证据为“the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years”如:Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论,也不错示意“发展;演变”,英文证据为“a gradual process of change and development”如:the evolution of language 言语的发展。
clue /kluː/ 1)示意“(处分问题或疑云时的)足迹”,英文证据为“A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it.”举个🌰:Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die. 加拿大的遗传学家如故发现了解开咱们细胞朽迈耗损之迷的足迹。
2)示意“(破案中的)足迹”,英文证据为“A clue is an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime.”举个🌰:The vital clue to the killer's identity was his nickname, Peanuts. 对于杀手身份的要紧足迹是他的混名——花生。
Researchers will doubtless compare the Chang'e 6 material to the samples collected on the moon's near side by Chang'e 5, which came down to Earth in December 2020. (Chang'e 5 and Chang'e 6 are sister missions, with virtually identical architectures.)
- 词汇盘货 -
mysterious、 robotic、 basin、 probe、 have sth under your belt、 combo、 dirt、 scoop sth up、 sample、 crew、 unprecedented、 haul、 tidally、 axis、 scrutinize、 gear up for sth、 module、 drill、 rendezvous、 trek、 parachute、 rover、 evolution、 clue
- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -
The robotic probe landed in a mysterious basin, scooped up dirt, and collected samples. The crew, with unprecedented skill under their belt, scrutinized the evolution clues, gearing up for the rendezvous with the module. The rover continued its trek.
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